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& Medicaid

Eligibility & Qualification

Medicare & Medicaid


Medicare is a health-care benefit provided by the federal government to individuals over age 65, or under age 65 and disabled. Medicare covers doctor visits, tests, and care provided in a hospital and limited benefits in a nursing home (see below).

Medicaid is health insurance for the poor. To qualify, you must not exceed certain income and asset limits. You must meet certain income and asset requirements. If your income or assets exceed the qualifying limits, you will not be eligible. There is no age restriction to qualify.


To qualify for Medicare, you must be over 65, and eligible for Social Security benefits. You may also qualify if you are under age 65 and disabled for two years. An application at the Social Security office will get your benefits started.

To qualify for Medicaid, you must submit a multiple-page application and provide detailed proof of all your financial transactions (banking, CDs, stocks, bonds, income, expenses, annuities, etc.) for the previous 60 months.

Medicare will only pay for 20 days in a nursing home (in limited circumstances, it can pay the partial cost of 80 additional days) while Medicaid will pay the entire cost of a nursing home.

The laws around Medicaid qualification are extensive, and there are many exceptions.

Often, hospitals and nursing homes will offer to do this for you at no cost. Be careful, they do not represent you, but rather, the institution for which they work. Even with the best intentions, they often do not have the legal knowledge necessary to determine whether or not your qualification is accurate.


This is where a legal professional can really be of value and oftentimes, be able to get you benefits much sooner.

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Mitchell Lansky

Imagine eliminating the worry and stress of money, wills, and care! Imagine your family celebrating your life without worry or confusion.

We have navigated this system successfully for 30 years.

Mitchell comes from a long line of Memphians dedicated to serving people. In addition to a Law Degree, Mitchell has a Masters in Tax Law and is a member of Lawyers with Purpose - a group that specializes in Estate Planning.

With 30 years of experience in this field, Mitchell's mind and passion are aligned for details and problem-solving.

If you believe

your estate should be protected
and your assets secured,


Depending on where you are in life, Estate Planning could include some, or all of the following:
  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Medical Power of Attorney
  • Last Wills & Testaments
  • Living Trusts
  • Advanced Care Directives
  • Probate Assets
  • Asset Jurisdiction
It's not right to continue ignoring the need to plan.
Your family shouldn't have to figure this out after you're gone.

For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

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