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Nov 30, 2020
The Benefits of an Irrevocable Living Trust
An Irrevocable Living Trust generally cannot be modified or terminated except under certain limited circumstances. It requires the...

Nov 24, 2020
Giving to Charity Wisely
Charitable giving, if done properly, is a representation of your values and can lower your taxes to maximize your generosity.

Nov 12, 2020
Make Sure Your Advance Directives Are Available When They Are Needed Most
As an estate planning and elder law firm, we advise all of our clients about the importance of creating advance directives and keeping...

Nov 1, 2020
Make Sure Your Revocable Living Trust Is Properly Funded
You’ve taken the time to plan for the financial well-being of your loved ones and yourself. You’ve created a customized estate plan to...

Oct 22, 2020
The Difference Between a Living Will and a Health Care Power of Attorney
Many people are confused about the difference between a living will and a healthcare power of attorney. A living will specifies life...
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